Viacheslav Dm. Popov
- Contact information:
- Home: (095) ******,
- Office: (095) 256-61-08,
- Mobile: 8-916-*******
142771, Moscow region, Leninsky area******
High scool:
- Moscow State Institute on Phisics and Technology (MIPT), graduated at 1968 ã. on radiophisics and electronics, specialized in quantum electonics.
- Ministry of the Electronics industry of USSR courses on programming for PC at 1986.
- Faculty of qualification improvement at MIPT on laser technics at 1984.
- Postgraduated training at MIPT (1970-1971).
- Ulianovsk Automechanical Technical College with special training on car production, graduated with honor at 1961.
Russian - native.
English - comprehensive. I can speak, write, and translate. Experinced at business correspondence. Have been at English speaking countries.
Computer skills:
Windows, MS Office, AutoCAD, Mathcad, MatLab - (user), Borland Pascal - programmer.
- September 1999 up to now:
Head of Laser Optics laboratory of "TURN" Ltd. Have designed several deformabel and scanning mirrors to control laser radiation and it producing technology. Have managed producing of the first lots of the mirrors, its processing and inspecting equipment. Have leaded negotiations with the customers and deliver of the mirrors.
- Jule - September of 1998 ã.
Main Technology ingeneer at bulding mixtures factory of private stock company "Tempstroysystem". For a small period I have increased productivity up to twice, improved labour conditions. The duties included relations (in English) with foreign partner over producing items.
- From 1966 up to 1998.
Went a carrier path from position of assistent to head of laser gyroes sensor development and technology departament at Federal R&D Institute "Polyus" (Moscow). The main personal results consist of creation of more then 20 equipment unites specialized at testing of finest optical properties of laser gyro mirrors. That equipments were produced by small lots and worked at several places at Russia and abroad.
- Various periods.
Worked at laboratory of electrodriving machines, as a freelance interpreter, car mechanic, private driver.
Personal achivements:
I have about 50 sientific articles and inventions, two bronze rewards of State exhibitions.
Other skills:
Have driver license, driver experience for 36 years, have a car. I have several worker professions related with car service.
Cars, electronics, video.
Note: ****** - Please request.
Updated 28 Sept 2004.